đź“š Mindset by Carol Dweck

My current read “mindset” by Dr. Carol S Dweck Recommend to everyone, really. It’s easy to understand yet crucial to comprehend the importance of mindset. You don’t have to limit or categorize yourself, simply whatever works best for you.

Time to throw the concept of “hard work = no talented” & “mistakes = failures” out the door.Learn from them, try, work harder, embrace opportunities.Skills can be trained
Attitudes could change
We are our own enemiesAnyone else read it? Share your views here or on my Instagram 🤓

PS: I usually like to state the pro and positivity of things but yes the book could be much shorter with its many repetitive and similar examples but it’s still a magnificent concept. The book was published in 2006, over a decade ago. It is the concept that we are learning, focus on the good you’d gain from the book.In short, yes I still recommend it.

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